Leadership Team & Key Contacts - Who's who?

Senior Leadership Team

Mr Niall Smith

Mr n smithRole: Headteacher

Qualifications: MA (Cantab), NPQEL

Responsibilities: Culture and Strategy

Teaching Area: English

Mr Brian Burns

Mr B Burns BurnsRole: Deputy Headteacher

Qualifications: MSc, BA (Honours), FCMI CMgr, NPQH

Responsibilities: Middle Leadership and Designated Safeguarding Lead

Teaching Area: Economics

Mr Daniel Edwards

Dan EdwardsRole: Senior Assistant Headteacher

Qualifications: MSc, BSc (Honours),  FCMI CMgr

Responsibilities: Behaviour and Attitudes

Teaching Area: PE and Young Leaders Programme

Ms Tara Anderson

TAN PhotoRole: Assistant Headteacher

Qualifications: BA, NPQSL

Responsibilities: Quality Assurance and Student Experience

Teaching Area: English

Mr Alal Haque

Alal HaqueRole: Assistant Headteacher

Qualifications: MA, BA (Honours), FCCT

Responsibilities: Curriculum and Assessment

Teaching Area: English

Ms Rebecca Linney

Rebecca linney sept 16Role: Assistant Headteacher

Qualifications: BA (Honours)

Responsibilities: Reading and Transition

Teaching Area: English and Media

Mr Ian Needs

Ian NeedsRole: Assistant Headteacher

Qualifications: MA

Responsibilities: Head of Sixth Form and Careers

Teaching Area: History

Mr Ben Roberts

BRO PhotoRole: Assistant Headteacher

Qualifications: BSc (Hons), NPQSL

Responsibilities: Teacher Development

Teaching Area: Geography

Mrs Nataliya Bennett

Nataliya BennettRole: Business Manager

Qualifications: BA (Honours), DSBM

Responsibilities: Finance and Resources


Teaching Staff

English, Drama & Media Studies

Aisha Bashir ABS English Teacher
Gabby Brown GBR Head of Drama
Miriam Glendenning       MGL Head of Media Studies
Jamie-Lee King JLK

English Teacher

Head of Year 11

Satbir Panesar SPN English Teacher 2 i/c
Zahraa Salloo ZSA Head of English Faculty
Amanda Taylor ATA

English Teacher

Co-Head of Year 8



Paul Alley PAL Maths Teacher
Nathalie Audouin-Leighton NAU Head of Mathematics Faculty
Ian Boakes IBO Maths Teacher 
John Garcia JGR

Maths Teacher

Safieh Mobarez-Jou SMO Maths Teacher
Rustom Parekh RPA Maths Teacher 2i/c
Michel Rubini MRB Maths Teacher
Christine Wong CWO Maths Teacher 



Shin Lee SLE Head of Key Stage 4 Science 
Chelsea Litchfield CLC Science Teacher 
Diego Penagos DPE Science Teacher
David Punter DPU

Science Teacher

School Mental Health Lead

Dipmala Rajcoomar     DRA Science Teacher 
Rebecca White RWH Head of Science Faculty
Darnisha Yuvarajah DYU Head of Key Stage 3 Science



Harriet Creese HCR Head of Religious Studies
Jemima Fox JFO

Head of History

Claire Harrington CHR Head of Humanities Faculty
Scott Howe SHO

Geography Teacher

Head of Year 10

Jenna Macdonald JMC Psychology Teacher and Assistant SENDCO
Haroon Mohamed-Pathusha HMO History and Religious Studies Teacher


Modern Foreign Languages 

Maria Correa MCO MFL Teacher
David Johnson DJO Head of Modern Foreign Languages Faculty
Erika Stiles EST Head of French



Depen Fatania DFA

Design Technology Teacher

Head of Year 7

Michel Gnahoua MGN Design Technology Teacher
Mahum Javed MJA Design Technology and Engineering 2i/c
Claudia Melo CME

Business Studies Teacher

Young Enterprise Coordinator

Darren Sowerbutts DSO

Head of Engineering Faculty

Co-Head of Year 8

Gary Swinchin Rew GSR

Head of ICT

PDT Co-ordinator

 CCF Lead


Music & Art

Robert Bagley RBG Art and Engineering Teacher
Kate Geering KGE

Art Teacher

Early Reading Co-ordinator; Supercurriculum Co-ordinator

David Morgan DMO Head of Art and Music Faculty
Vee Yendoll VYE Head of Music 


Physical Education

James Colbert JCO Head of PE Faculty
Daniel Grinstead DGR

PE Teacher

Head of Year 9

Ryan Healy RHE PE Teacher
Chris Jordan CJO

PE Teacher

Duke of Edinburgh's Award Co-ordinator

Samuel Taylor STY PE Teacher



Karl Nicholas KNI Head of Inclusion and SENDCO


Support Staff:


Pastoral Support Team

Dawn Ball DBA Pastoral Support Officer and Sixth Form Administrator
Darnell Cadette DCA School Counsellor
Karen Clements KCL Pastoral Support Officer and Cover Supervisor
Paul Da Costa PDC Learning Mentor and ERSA co-ordinator and Mathematics Teacher
Reginald Opoku-Acheampong ROP Pastoral Support Officer and Cover Supervisor
Julie Tyson JTY Pastoral Support Officer and Cover Supervisor


Learning Support Team

Mirka Benkova MBE Teaching Assistant
Amy Bullen ABU Teaching Assistant
Tayyaba Dar TDA Teaching Assistant
Hayley Goldsmith HGO Teaching Assistant and Food Technician
Samantha Hearn SHE Teaching Assistant
Sylwia Jezyk SJE Tutor
Aischa Khan AKH Teaching Assistant
David Naumann DNA Tutor and Mathematics Teacher
Elaine Parmenter EPA Teaching Assistant 
Trudy Pollicott TPO Senior Teaching Assistant
Andrew Robson ARO Teaching Assistant
Petra Sameri PSM EAL Coordinator
Krisztina Solyomne Mohacsi KMO Teaching Assistant and Tutor
Meng Xu MXU Teaching Assistant


Site Team

Bob Hawken RHA Site Manager
Kirubakaran Kathiresu KKA Cleaner
Daniel Nice DNI Assistant Site Manager


Curriculum Support Team

Sam Coulson SCL Senior Science Technician
Faye Cunningham FCU Reprographics & Administrative Assistant
Stephen Eacott SEA Activities Facilitator
Allison Hensman AHE Librarian
Wafa Khider WKH Science Technician
Jane Pierce JPI Exams Officer
Erin Ross ERO Art & DT Technician
Patricia Thorne PTH Assistant Librarian
Jane Weller JWE Data Manager


Administration & Finance

Nichola Bell NBE Clerk to Governors and Teaching Assistant
Charlotte Conlon CCO PA to Headteacher
Alexandra Desai ADE Attendance Officer and Administrator
Sarah Humphreys SHU Office Manager
Matthew Iles MIL Community Outreach Officer
Clare Loveday CLO Finance Officer
Nikki Mead NME Receptionist and Administrator 
Anthony Smith ASM Administrator and Website Manager
Sue Taylor STA Marketing & Recruitment Officer and BTEC Quality Nominee