Senior Leadership Team |
Mr Niall Smith
Qualifications: MA (Cantab), NPQEL Responsibilities: Culture and Strategy Teaching Area: English |
Mr Brian Burns
Qualifications: MSc, BA (Honours), FCMI CMgr, NPQH Responsibilities: Middle Leadership and Designated Safeguarding Lead Teaching Area: Economics |
Mr Daniel Edwards
Qualifications: MSc, BSc (Honours), FCMI CMgr Responsibilities: Behaviour and Attitudes Teaching Area: PE and Young Leaders Programme |
Ms Tara Anderson
Qualifications: BA, NPQSL Responsibilities: Quality Assurance and Student Experience Teaching Area: English |
Mr Alal Haque
Qualifications: MA, BA (Honours), FCCT Responsibilities: Curriculum and Assessment Teaching Area: English |
Ms Rebecca Linney
Qualifications: BA (Honours) Responsibilities: Reading and Transition Teaching Area: English and Media |
Mr Ian Needs
Qualifications: MA Responsibilities: Head of Sixth Form and Careers Teaching Area: History |
Mr Ben Roberts
Qualifications: BSc (Hons), NPQSL Responsibilities: Teacher Development Teaching Area: GeographyE-mail |
Mrs Nataliya Bennett
Qualifications: BA (Honours), DSBM Responsibilities: Finance and Resources
Teaching Staff |
English, Drama & Media Studies |
Aisha Bashir | ABS | English Teacher | |
Gabby Brown | GBR | Head of Drama | |
Miriam Glendenning | MGL | Head of Media Studies | |
Jamie-Lee King | JLK |
English Teacher Head of Year 11 |
Satbir Panesar | SPN | English Teacher 2 i/c | |
Zahraa Salloo | ZSA | Head of English Faculty | |
Amanda Taylor | ATA |
English Teacher Co-Head of Year 8 |
Mathematics |
Paul Alley | PAL | Maths Teacher | |
Nathalie Audouin-Leighton | NAU | Head of Mathematics Faculty | |
Ian Boakes | IBO | Maths Teacher | |
John Garcia | JGR |
Maths Teacher |
Safieh Mobarez-Jou | SMO | Maths Teacher | |
Rustom Parekh | RPA | Maths Teacher 2i/c | |
Michel Rubini | MRB | Maths Teacher | |
Christine Wong | CWO | Maths Teacher | |
Science |
Shin Lee | SLE | Head of Key Stage 4 Science | |
Chelsea Litchfield | CLC | Science Teacher | |
Diego Penagos | DPE | Science Teacher | |
David Punter | DPU |
Science Teacher School Mental Health Lead |
Dipmala Rajcoomar | DRA | Science Teacher | |
Rebecca White | RWH | Head of Science Faculty | |
Darnisha Yuvarajah | DYU | Head of Key Stage 3 Science | |
Humanities |
Harriet Creese | HCR | Head of Religious Studies | |
Jemima Fox | JFO |
Head of History |
Claire Harrington | CHR | Head of Humanities Faculty | |
Scott Howe | SHO |
Geography Teacher Head of Year 10 |
Jenna Macdonald | JMC | Psychology Teacher and Assistant SENDCO | |
Haroon Mohamed-Pathusha | HMO | History and Religious Studies Teacher | |
Modern Foreign Languages |
Maria Correa | MCO | MFL Teacher | |
David Johnson | DJO | Head of Modern Foreign Languages Faculty | |
Ertika Stiles | EST | Head of French | |
Engineering |
Depen Fatania | DFA |
Design Technology Teacher Head of Year 7 |
Michel Gnahoua | MGN | Design Technology Teacher | |
Mahum Javed | MJA | Design Technology and Engineering 2i/c | |
Claudia Melo | CME |
Business Studies Teacher Young Enterprise Coordinator |
Darren Sowerbutts | DSO |
Head of Engineering Faculty Co-Head of Year 8 |
Gary Swinchin Rew | GSR |
Head of ICT PDT Co-ordinator CCF Lead |
Music & Art |
Robert Bagley | RBG | Art and Engineering Teacher | |
Kate Geering | KGE |
Art Teacher Early Reading Co-ordinator; Supercurriculum Co-ordinator |
David Morgan | DMO | Head of Art and Music Faculty | |
Vee Yendoll | VYE | Head of Music | |
Physical Education |
James Colbert | JCO | Head of PE Faculty | |
Daniel Grinstead | DGR |
PE Teacher Head of Year 9 |
Ryan Healy | RHE | PE Teacher | |
Chris Jordan | CJO |
PE Teacher Duke of Edinburgh's Award Co-ordinator |
Samuel Taylor | STY | PE Teacher | |
Inclusion |
Karl Nicholas | KNI | Head of Inclusion and SENDCO | |
Support Staff: |
Pastoral Support Team |
Dawn Ball | DBA | Pastoral Support Officer and Sixth Form Administrator | |
Darnell Cadette | DCA | School Counsellor | |
Karen Clements | KCL | Pastoral Support Officer and Cover Supervisor | |
Paul Da Costa | PDC | Learning Mentor and ERSA co-ordinator and Mathematics Teacher | |
Reginald Opoku-Acheampong | ROP | Pastoral Support Officer and Cover Supervisor | |
Julie Tyson | JTY | Pastoral Support Officer and Cover Supervisor | |
Learning Support Team |
Mirka Benkova | MBE | Teaching Assistant | |
Amy Bullen | ABU | Teaching Assistant | |
Tayyaba Dar | TDA | Teaching Assistant | |
Hayley Goldsmith | HGO | Teaching Assistant and Food Technician | |
Samantha Hearn | SHE | Teaching Assistant | |
Sylwia Jezyk | SJE | Tutor | |
Aischa Khan | AKH | Teaching Assistant | |
David Naumann | DNA | Tutor and Mathematics Teacher | |
Elaine Parmenter | EPA | Teaching Assistant | |
Trudy Pollicott | TPO | Senior Teaching Assistant | |
Andrew Robson | ARO | Teaching Assistant | |
Petra Sameri | PSM | EAL Coordinator | |
Krisztina Solyomne Mohacsi | KMO | Teaching Assistant and Tutor | |
Meng Xu | MXU | Teaching Assistant | |
Site Team |
Elizabeth Argent | EAR | Cleaner | |
Bob Hawken | RHA | Site Manager | |
Kirubakaran Kathiresu | KKA | Cleaner | |
Daniel Nice | DNI | Assistant Site Manager | |
Curriculum Support Team |
Sam Coulson | SCL | Senior Science Technician | |
Faye Cunningham | FCU | Reprographics & Administrative Assistant | |
Stephen Eacott | SEA | Activities Facilitator | |
Allison Hensman | AHE | Librarian | |
Wafa Khider | WKH | Science Technician | |
Jane Pierce | JPI | Exams Officer | |
Erin Ross | ERO | Art & DT Technician | |
Patricia Thorne | PTH | Assistant Librarian | |
Jane Weller | JWE | Data Manager | |
Administration & Finance |
Nichola Bell | NBE | Clerk to Governors and Teaching Assistant | |
Charlotte Conlon | CCO | PA to Headteacher | |
Alexandra Desai | ADE | Attendance Officer and Administrator | |
Sarah Humphreys | SHU | Office Manager | |
Matthew Iles | MIL | Community Outreach Officer | |
Clare Loveday | CLO | Finance Officer | |
Nikki Mead | NME | Receptionist and Administrator | |
Anthony Smith | ASM | Administrator and Website Manager | |
Sue Taylor | STA | Marketing & Recruitment Officer and BTEC Quality Nominee | |