The role of this committee is to have oversight of the school’s contribution to pupil well being, including the extent to which pupils feel safe, adopt healthy lifestyles and contribute to the school and wider community.
This oversight will include receiving reports from SLT members, reviewing and responding to available evidence (both internal and external), as well as challenging and supporting the leadership of the school.
Pupil behaviour
The impact of behavioural policies on school exclusions
Pupil attendance and lateness
School experience & support
Healthy lifestyles, including healthy eating
Spiritual, moral, social and cultural development
Work Related Learning / Careers Education / Information, Advice & Guidance
Pupils’ engagement with the community
Co-curricular and extracurricular activities
Pastoral support
Special Educational Needs
Pupil Premium
Attitudes of parents and carers
Parental engagement
Home – School liaison
Equal opportunities / Access
Partnerships with local businesses, charities, other community groups
Community cohesion and engagement
Community use of facilities
The committee may scrutinise any section of the School Improvement Plan which falls within the above Terms of Reference.
The committee may scrutinise any section of the SEF, but will focus predominantly on Behaviour & Safety, and Spiritual, Moral, Social & Cultural.
Behaviour / Bullying
Child protection and safeguarding
Special Educational Needs
Approval of the above policies.