This document outlines aspects of governor committee activity which is common to all standing committees (i.e. those that meet regularly to take on delegated functions of the full governing body).
In addition to standing committees, other committees (e.g. to fulfil statutory duties) may be formed as required, to which this document shall not refer but for which separate terms of reference may be published.
Terms of reference specific to each standing committee are published separately.
The following committees (standing committees) |
The following committees |
Resources, Personnel & Finance (RPF) |
Pupil discipline/behaviour Staff pay and performance Complaints Appeals |
Curriculum & Achievement (C&A) |
Children, Families and Community (CFC) |
To review, scrutinise, challenge and support the work of the Headteacher and the Senior Leadership Team.
To receive reports from members of staff about matters relating to any of the issues listed in their terms of reference.
To respond to relevant issues in reports from outside agencies or service providers, e.g. auditors, Ofsted, etc.
To respond to relevant issues in reports from governors with specific responsibilities allocated by the FGB, e.g. Responsible Officer, SEN governor, etc.
To monitor and respond to relevant aspects of the schools improvement plan and self evaluation.
To develop policies and plans that ensure effective safeguarding.
To report and/or make recommendations to the FGB.
Committees, will nominally have five governors appointed to each committee at the discretion of the GB chair, but taking into account skills needed by each committee and their availability within the membership of the overall governing body.
At least three governors must be present for a committee to be quorate. In the event that a committee is not quorate other governors may be co-opted or, if this is not possible, the meeting must be rescheduled. Governors are reminded of our code of practice and the need to attend committee meetings to ensure that they can function effectively.
The chair and Headteacher shall not be appointed to a standing committee but may attend any committee as necessary.
The Headteacher shall appoint at least one, but no more than two, members of the SLT to act as advisors to the committees and link back to the SLT.
Governors with a specific function – e.g. SEN governor – may be required to attend more than one committee in order to provide effective feedback.
Each committee shall meet at intervals determine by the GB chair. Meetings will be scheduled by the GB clerk in consultation with the GB chair.
Each committee shall agree, at the start of the academic year, one member to take on the role of committee chair for the year. This decision will be recorded in the minutes of that meeting. (Or as required, in the event that the committee chair’s term of office ends or the committee chair moves to another committee for some reason.)
The committee chair will liaise with the GB clerk to draw up an agenda for each meeting.
The committee chair shall chair each meeting to ensure that the agenda is completed and that all members have to opportunity to contribute to the discussions.
In the event that the committee chair cannot attend a meeting another member shall take on the role for that meeting.
At each committee meeting one member will take minutes of the meeting, on behalf of the GB clerk – ideally, this will not be the committee chair. These minutes will be passed to the GB clerk, following the meeting, so they can be finalised and circulated.
The Headteacher may not (by law) act as committee clerk, nor may any officer of the school whose work/function is the subject of the scrutiny of that committee.
Where possible, the GB clerk will attend the RPF committee to provide clerking services.
To monitor and review policies and procedures allocated to the committee, at the intervals specified (or as required), to ensure their effectiveness and continued compliance to relevant legislation and in relation to their interaction with other policies implemented by the school, and report to the FGB and/or approve amendments as specified against each policy.
Each committees specific terms of reference will clearly show the delegated authority which the FGB has handed to them.
Each committee shall be audited annually by one member of each of the other two committees to ensure that all aspects of the committee’s terms of reference are met.
All terms of reference shall be regarded as live documents, updated as necessary to meet the changing needs of the school, to address omission, or an action agreed by the FGB.