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Essential Information


All Sixth Form students are expected to attend registration at 8.40am EVERY morning. During registration, students will be kept up-to-date with Sixth Form events and news and will take part in a structured tutorial programme throughout the week which will cover areas /subjects such as current affairs, general knowledge, presentation skills, UCAS & apprenticeships, and parts of the PDT (Personal Development Time) curriculum.

Sixth Form assembly is at 8.40am EVERY Monday morning and both Year 12 and 13 students are expected to attend.

Students must attend all subject lessons during the day/week. Driving lessons should not be booked during timetabled lesson time. Mrs Ball should be notified of any planned absence (e.g. hospital appointment, university open day, etc) in advance and students are encouraged to inform their subject teachers beforehand that they will be missing a lesson.

Sixth Form students will finish lessons at different times of the day, depending on their individual timetable. They will be asked to sign out using the electronic finger-print system at main reception.


If your son/daughter is going to be off school for the day, then a parent/carer must email Mrs Ball directly: 

or call on:

02083914324 (extension 131)

You will also need to copy in our office staff at:


We strongly advise parents/carers to avoid planning family holidays within term time whenever possible. If, however, this is unavoidable, you will need to seek prior permission

Sixth Form Lesson Times

Registration 8.40am – 9.00am
Period 1 9.00am - 9.50am
Period 2 9.50am - 10.40am
Break Time 10.40am - 11.00am
Period 3 11.00am - 11.50am
Period 4 11.50am - 12.40pm
Lunchtime/Period 5 12.40pm - 1.30pm
Period 6 1.30pm - 2.20pm
Period 7 2.20pm - 3.10pm
Period 8* 3.10pm - 4.00pm

 *In the Sixth Form, period 8 will be formally timetabled on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. No lessons will be timetabled for period 8 on a Monday or a Friday.

Please also note that Sixth Form lessons may be scheduled to take place during Period 5, the school’s lunchtime period.

The 16 to 19 Bursary Fund provides financial support to help students overcome the specific financial barriers to participation they face so they can remain in education.

There are 2 types of 16 to 19 bursaries:

  • bursaries for defined vulnerable groups
  • discretionary bursaries which institutions award using policies they set, in line with these funding rules

To check eligibility, please read the guidelines

16-19 Bursary Fund Guidelines

To apply please download, print out and fill in the application form

16 - 19 Bursary Fund Application Form  

Sixth Form Code of Conduct

We have a code of conduct which makes clear how we should behave in our community. It has the following aims:

  • to allow all students to learn in safety and security;

  • to support teaching and learning in the classroom;

  • to foster respect for others, for property and the environment;

  • to encourage honesty, trust, fairness, tolerance and compassion;

  • to encourage and develop self-discipline and self-respect.

If students follow our Code they will be helping to create a positive and supportive learning environment in which everyone can be successful and have their achievements recognised and rewarded. If students break our Code they should be prepared to accept the consequences.

General Conduct and Expectations within Sixth Form:

All Sixth Form students with be expected to adhere to the following rules:

  • Attend registration each morning at 8.40am promptly
  • Attend assembly every Monday morning promptly at 8.40am
  • Attend all timetabled lessons. Regular non-attenders may have their place withdrawn.
  • Attend Parents’ Evening
  • Attend all external examinations
  • Complete all coursework as per deadlines set out by subject staff
  • Complete all homework and lesson preparation as per deadlines set out by subject staff
  • Participate in weekly PDT (Personal Development Time) lessons as instructed
  • Participate in the Sixth Form Enrichment Programme
  • Wear their ID /Lanyard at all times on school premises

Lesson Conduct

6th Form students have the right to learn and teachers have the right to teach. All students must respect the rights of others and follow these simple routines and rules:

  • Arrive on time to lessons and demonstrate a consistent level of maturity
  • Allow teachers to teach without distraction and allow others to learn without distraction
  • As a matter of courtesy, alert subject teachers to any planned absences or delays in getting to school whenever possible

School Conduct

All 6th Form students and staff have the right to learn and work in a clean and tidy environment where everyone feels safe and secure.

All students should follow these rules and demonstrate courtesy and respect to others at all times:

  • Set a positive example to lower school students by keeping to the left on stairs and in corridors and by walking calmly to lessons
  • The dress code of smart casual clothing should be adhered to at all times (see guidelines)
  • Coats and hats/baseball caps are not to be worn in the building – place in lockers or in bags
  • Drinking alcohol and / or smoking is not permitted on site or immediately outside of the school building
  • Food may only be eaten in designated areas which include the 6th Form common room and kitchen or in the school canteen. Eating in the Foyer and/or corridors is strictly prohibited.
  • 6th Formers who drive cars may NOT park in the school car park due to limited spaces. They will therefore have to park responsibly in neighbouring roads close by.
  • Students /parents/carers should notify Mrs Ball in 6th Form (020 8391 4324, extension 10,  dball@southborough.kingston.sch.uk) of any absences before 9am each morning.
  • The 6th form common rooms, kitchen and ICT study rooms should be treated with respect
  • Holiday Request Forms will need to be submitted prior to taking any holiday during school term time.


6th Form students can be sent away (home) by subject teachers for misconduct, being unprepared or being late to lessons.

Additional sanctions include:

  • Course removal for continued absence
  • Individual Student contracts drawn up by Head of 6th Form for Attendance & Attitude
  • Community Service

There are, of course, further sanctions that the school may take in the case of very serious incidents.


Dress Code

The Sixth Form dress code is ‘ Smart Casual ’ 

Southborough Sixth Form dress code guidelines are as follows:

  • Collared shirt/blouse, polo shirts
  • Dark coloured trousers/ knee length skirts
  • Dark smart jeans or light or dark coloured chinos
  • Jumpers, cardigans or smart jersey
  • Shirt, suit and tie
  • Footwear may include Vans, smart trainers, Boaters and conventional shoes
  • T-shirts, hoodies, leggings, low cut tops and sportswear are prohibited on the school site