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Primary Transition




Transition comp 2023

At Southborough, our purpose is to make a difference for all of our students. We start doing this from the very start of our students’ school careers - their transition to secondary school. We recognise each year brings a new cohort of Year 7s with their families who share a range of emotions, from excitement to apprehension, and our transition programme is designed to give all of them the best possible start.


Parents & Student Handbook

Parents & Student Handbook

Personal Details Form

To find out more about our school and vision, see the videos and links below:

This Transition Guide seeks to assist in the smooth transition of our new Year 7 students and lessen any concerns you may have.

Transition Guide


Virtual Tour Video



Introduction to ParentPay

Southborough High School has a cashless system to enable parents and carers to authorise payments for things like dining hall meals and school trips called ParentPay. Details about setting up an account will be communicated to you in the new academic year. In the meantime, you can find more information through the link below.



School Uniform & Equipment

Please click here to see the requirements and whereabouts to purchase