Southborough High School is a mainstream Boys Academy that is mixed in the 6th form. All students, irrespective of ability, are offered a broad and balanced curriculum which can be personalised to meet specific needs.
With the help and support of our team, we aim to ensure that all the young people in our care are primarily happy and confident individuals. We try to build their resilience to allow them to become independent learners.
Our vision not only looks at how they are in school, but beyond that at the age of 18 and into the future. We enable our students to go into their adult lives with the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in whatever area they choose.
Our nurturing approach is inclusive and focuses on the individual needs of the student with a bespoke support package. We are moving away from the one-to-one LSA model to offer specific and targeted intervention and support.
Our Inclusion support team includes our Learning Facilitators (LFs) and Learning Support Assistants (LSAs) who vary in specialisms but all who prioritise the needs of the individual.
We keep the needs and wishes of each student at the heart of our decision making and our relationship with parents is of paramount importance.
We look forward to welcoming you to our Inclusion Centre and are very happy to answer any questions that you may have.
The Inclusion Manager and SENDCo at Southborough High is Mr Karl Nicholas. He is a qualified teacher.
SEND Parent Drop-In Sessions
Thursday morning 10am – 11am
You will be able to speak to speak to a member of the SEND team
10 minute sessions - no appointment necessary
Termly SEND Review Meetings
These are held termly, and booking will be made through our Parents Evening booking system.
You will be able to meet with a member of the SEND team and review your son’s SEND learning plan, discuss any worries or concerns you may have, or just come for an update.
10 minute sessions – booking via
Introduction to SEND at Southborough High School
We are a fully inclusive school and work alongside the Governing Body, Local Authority, Health Professionals and community organisations to find the most appropriate and effective support for the pupils within our care.
We see all learners and potential learners, and their parents and carers, as of equal value and as individuals, irrespective of ability, race, gender or need. This is reflected in the schools’ organisation and curriculum structure, its assessment and rewards systems, the arrangements made for careers’ education and work experience. Students with SEND are integrated and included fully into the life of the school as a whole, including its cultural and social activities.
All our members of staff have a responsibility to ensure that every student has an equal opportunity to attain their maximum potential in all aspects of the curriculum. We are committed to the ongoing training and development of all our staff. We develop good communication with our parents/carers of SEND children, informing them of their child's progress at regular points throughout the year, working hard to understand the situation and catering for the varied needs of the child.
The following documents and resources will give you more information in relation to SEND and how school and home can support children. If you have any concerns or wish to discuss SEND at our school, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Intention, Implementation and Impact: A Child Centred Approach
SEND Curriculum
At Southborough High School we want students to achieve their full potential and are aware for some students this means following a different curriculum pathway.Key stage 3 All students follow a broad and balanced curriculum where high quality teaching is at the forefront of meeting your child’s needs. If your child fails to make progress, then we will use the graduated approach to identify what the barriers are. From this we then look at what Quality first teaching strategies are needed, if an intervention is required or if they need some technology support. For some students we may need to use Specialist teachers and outside agencies to ensure that we are supporting the students’ needs appropriately. As a school we have planned lessons for additional English, Maths and Science. These smaller group interventions take place during whole class teaching are to support students who require additional support to ensure progress is maintained. Students are identified on entry in year 7, students are selected because they are working significantly behind their peers. They are then monitored through the key stage. For a small number of students, we provide a modified curriculum. Students are identified on transition from primary school and are the students who require a high level of support with learning in comparison to their peers and are generally already working significantly behind their peers. These students are supported by having a curriculum that is broad but is delivered by a reduced number of teachers, by staff in English and Maths who have the skills and experience to deliver and plan a modified curriculum. They are supported if they need it at unstructured times and between lesson transitions. To support learning in the classroom there is an additional adult where needed. Key stage 4 Students and parents are helped through the options process in Year 9 to ensure students select the appropriate curriculum for them, a curriculum that allows them to progress to further education (sixth form/College) or work based training (Apprenticeships). Key stage 5 At Southborough we offer 1 and 2 year pathways for students with additional needs. Our Level 2 courses provided include Adult Literacy and Numeracy, Princes Trust Diploma and Certificates, GCSE Photography, Business and more. This offer can be found on our sixth form pages. |
Key stage 4 Curriculum SupportAims: There are small number of students who at Key stage 4 continue to require additional support with their Literacy and Numeracy skills. Identification is made using expected levels and progress in Maths and/or English with some students being selected based on their specific learning needs. Their progress in class and types of provision needed are evaluated on a regular basis to ensure their needs are being met. Programme: Students will still select options the same as their peers, they will just take one less option so they can be provided with additional support in Literacy, Numeracy and Coursework/Homework. In year 10 students will get literacy and numeracy support and in Year 11 additional learning time will be given to GCSE Maths and English. Students will be supported in Year 10 and 11 with Careers and College choices, some visits to colleges will be planned they will also learn managing money skills and planning for the future skills. We also run the Princes Trust programme. You can find more about this here: |
Key stage 5 Curriculum SupportAims: There are small number of students who at Key stage 4 continue to require additional support with their Literacy and Numeracy skills. Identification is made using expected levels and progress in Maths and/or English with some students being selected based on their specific learning needs. Their progress in class and types of provision needed are evaluated on a regular basis to ensure their needs are being met. |
How are your child's needs identified?
New intake students in year 7. a) Primary Liaison Feeder primary schools are contacted and visited prior to transfer. Any student who has a “learning difficulty” who are SEN Support or have an EHCP is referred to the SENDCo. The SENDCo then visits the schools and the students and where possible parents. In the spring of Year 6 the LA will notify the school about which students are coming to us with an ECHP. Where practicable the SENDCo attends their Annual Review to ensure a smooth transition is made. Pupils with significant need for a comprehensive transition programme are also offered a place on our Transition Programme, where in the summer term they attend school once a week for approximately 6 weeks. During this time they are shown around, meet other students who are coming and students who are already attending the school. b) Initial Screening
Screening in other year groups Testing is based on identified concerns/issues. School is able to use a range of nationally recognised tests that allow us to identify specific needs in handwriting, spelling, reading, comprehension and SpLd- Lucid Rapid. |
Access Arrangement Testing Access arrangement are agreed before an assessment. They allow candidates/learners with special educational needs, disabilities;
In school we carry out all the nationally recognised tests for students with SEND, that are needed to be used as evidence for an arrangement to be applied to an assessment. We need to evidence a ‘normal way of working’ and we will do this through trialling different access arrangements through KS3. |
Staff observation
Referrals by parents or carers
· Advisory Centre for Education advice and information on education issues.
Every local authority has a SEND Local Offer. The purpose of the local offer is to enable parents, carers, children and young people with special educational needs or disabilities to see clearly, from a single and regularly updated source, the services available to local families and how to access them. The offer covers services from birth to 25, across education, health and social care.
Kingston and Richmond children's services are provided by Achieving for Children. The SEND Local Offer sits within their AfCinfo website or you can use this direct link Local Offer website for Kingston and Richmond
SEND Local Offer leaflets
SEND Local Offer leaflet (pdf)
Support for children and young people with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND) (pdf)
If you don't live in Kingston or Richmond, your home local authority will also have a SEND Local Offer.
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Parent and Carer Engagement Team
The role of this team in Kingston and Richmond is to ensure that parents and carers of children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities are fully engaged with the services provided by Achieving for Children.
Special Educational Needs and Disability Register
All local authorities must have a record or register of children with Special Educational Needs and / or Disabilities (SEND) in their area. If you live in either Kingston or Richmond, we encourage anyone whose family includes a child or young person whose has a special educational need or disability to register. Young people over 13 years can register in their own right.
When you register you have the option to ask for a Disability Awareness Card.
Special Educational Needs and Disability Register on Local Offer
Special Educational Needs and Disability Register leaflet (pdf)
Parent Carer Forums
Parent Carer Forums (PCFs) are independent groups run by parents for parents or carers of children/young people (aged 0 to 25 years) who have any form of special educational need or disability.
They receive funding from the Department for Education and their purpose is to ensure that the voices of parents, children and young people are heard in the planning and implementation of SEND services.
There is a parent carer forum for Richmond and one for Kingston. Again, other areas may have their own PCF.
SEND Information, Advice and Support (SENDIASS)
The Information, Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS) in Kingston and Richmond offers advice and support across a wide range of subjects. This may include help with personal budgets and how to use the Local Offer plus information about:
The service is a free, confidential and impartial. It is for children and young people up to the age of 25yrs who have special educational needs or disabilities, and their parents or carers.
We're based at The Croft Centre, Windham Road, Twickenham TW9 2HP and at The Moor Lane Centre, Moor Lane, Chessington KT9 2AA.
Freephone number: 0808 164 5527