Who to contact?

If you have occasion to contact a member of school staff about any issue concerning your son, we have outlined below some steps to follow.

General Absence/Illness

Contact the school office by phone or by e-mail

Telephone 0208 391 4324 


Specific Enquiries or Concerns

You can communicate with members of staff in a number of ways – either through our Class Charts messaging service, by e-mail (all staff e-mails are available here) or by phoning the main school office.  However, if you have an enquiry relating to a more specific issue then you may wish to contact your son’s Head of Year or Pastoral Support Officer – contact details for these members of staff can be found below.

Year 7 Team

Year 8 Team


Year 9 Team


Year 10 Team



Year 11 Team



Year 12 and 13 Team