Here you will find a number of key documents and reports which explain the details of our careers provision. These pages outline our whole school careers learning journey from Y7-13, describe how we address each of the Gatsby Benchmarks, showcase the opportunities we offer, include student testimonies and give details of our links to local Labour Market Information (LMI).
The Careers Lead for Southborough is Mrs L Stansbridge.
I am a Level 6 qualified Careers Advisor with additional qualifications in counselling, mental health and careers leadership. With over 18 years experience in careers guidance I am responsible for ensuring students are able to explore and get ready for life beyond the school gates. It is important that all students get to know who they are and find out where that could take them.
I am a registered professional on the CDI database and follow the code of ethics fully within my practice. I have worked in schools and colleges across the south London area and have been based within Kingston schools for the last 10 years.
Within school, each year group has a careers unit within their pastoral PDT programme. This will develop their knowledge, skills and look at future aspirations. Within the curriculum there are careers focused links to support students in their future plans. (Please see the careers policy, strategy and careers programme links for further information).
Addressing key legislation like the Baker Clause and Provider Access Legislation, as well as considering the importance of Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) in employment opportunities; we know that at Southborough our careers programme makes the difference for all our students closing the gap and building opportunity and aspiration.
As an inclusive school, we believe that our students should be provided with a rich range of career experiences to give them all a range of options to consider when contemplating their ‘next steps’. It is only right that we observe the Baker Clause and ensure that our students are not only given experiences of traditionally ‘academic’ routes and job roles but also engage with a range of education and training providers that can inform them about approved technical qualifications or apprenticeships. As an institution we are planning to meet all of the expectations of the Provider Access Policy (Provider Access Legislation - Jan 2023) and are keen to promote all pathways, whether they be technical qualifications or apprenticeships, without bias giving our young people the knowledge and understanding that they need to make informed and equitable choices.