Southborough celebrates Christmas with a wonderful carol service at St Matthew’s Church
“I will honour Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year. I will live in the Past, the Present, and the Future. The Spirits of all Three shall strive within me. I will not shut out the lessons that they teach.” (Ebenezer Scrooge –A Christmas Carol, Charles Dickens)
On Friday 20 December, Year 7 and 8 students came together to celebrate Christmas with a very special carol service at St Matthew’s Church, Surbiton, presided by Revd Caroline Kramer. All of the students got the chance to take part in the service, either through singing or delivering a reading – and every single one of them did the school proud!
Beautifully decorated for the festive season, the church was the perfect setting for such a heart-warming and meaningful carol service, which included a wide number of favourite Christmas carols as well as a number of interesting readings and prayers. Indeed, it was the perfect opportunity for everyone to reflect on the importance and true spirit of Christmas and enjoy the goodwill felt in abundance within the Southborough community who attended the service.
Suffice to say, the celebration was an incredible success and both staff and parents felt very proud of our Southborough students, who performed brilliantly and behaved impeccably.
Our Thanks
Our thanks must go to St Matthew’s Church and Revd Caroline Kramer for kindly hosting the wonderful service and to all the kind parents who came along to support their children. Thank you to our outstanding students, namely -ALEX B 8RPA (who delivered a superb solo trombone performance of Deck The Halls) Santosh T 7DRA, Denis AL 8CME, Isaac M 7DPE and Henry A 8RPA (who all delivered their well-rehearsed readings so wonderfully) and Archez T 8MCO (who performed an outstanding solo piano performance of Allegro).
Thank you to our amazing student and staff choirs who sang so wonderfully. Thanks should also go to the following for organising the carol service: Deputy Head teacher Mr Burns, School Governor Mr Iles and Head of Music Mrs Yendoll. Thank you to Mr Nicholas for playing the organ so superbly throughout the service and to Mr Iles, Mr Howe, Mr Roberts, Ms Correa, Ms Weller, Mrs A Taylor, Ms Stiles and Mr Rubini for their fabulous contribution to the choir and orchestra. Thanks also to staff who delivered such meaningful readings, namely Headteacher Mr Smith, Mr Colbert and Ms Creese.
Lastly, thank you to everyone who kindly made monetary donations at the end of each service. The service raised much needed funds for The Children’s Trust, Tadworth and Cecily’s Fund.