Photography (Art & Design)

Choose a subject

“The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera.” – Dorothea Lange.

The GCSE photography course allows you to engage in lens-based art, which encourages you to be imaginative, thoughtful and technical whilst also balancing this with the ability to analyse, deconstruct and explore the work of photographers.  

Throughout the duration of the course, there are opportunities to experience a range of photography styles from using the professional photography studio and lighting set-ups to being experimental in the dark room and manually developing your own photographs.   Digital photography and the use of software, such as Photoshop, are embedded into the course and will equip you with strong technical manipulation skills.

The course is adaptive, meaning you have the ability to be inspired by Photographers and then incorporate your own style and learning to produce exciting individual photographic outcomes.  

WJEC GCSE Photography

WJEC GCSE Photography

Curriculum Maps

Art music photography year 10

Art music photography year 11

Art music photography year 12