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Business & Economics

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Young people are more aware than ever of the challenges and potential rewards of enterprise. Some of the more successful UK entrepreneurs are now celebrities in their own right and the Government is encouraging many initiatives to support the entrepreneurial spirit.

Team iris presentation

In Business and Economics, students make sense of a rapidly changing world in which technology and globalisation continue to accelerate the pace of change in the commercial world, a world that they will join in just 4 or 5 years' time. Students learn the key disciplines practised by managers in the business world, develop useful skills through the application of these ideas and create realistic case study material that is more likely to have come from the previous day's newspaper than a dusty old textbook.

Our Business courses, studied at Level 2 and 3, are designed to introduce students to the main functional areas of business and the skills and motivation behind the entrepreneur. It also helps develop an understanding of the economic environment in which businesses operate and the part they play in the local, national and international economy.

Throughout the course learners develop a clear and concise style of writing - the type used in business - enabling them to communicate effectively about business-related issues. They learn to analyse and interpret figures relating to finance; a crucial part of running a business successfully.

The A-Level in Economics enables students to learn to use the tools of economic analysis and apply them to everyday situations as well as to specific economic problems. They learn to interpret a wide range of written, graphical and numerical data, developing their selectivity, building well-argued analysis. All of this develops students’ confidence to articulate and justify their conclusions.

Intent, Implementation & Impact: The 3 I s


The curriculum in Business, Enterprise, and Economics is designed to provide learners with the knowledge, skills, and behaviours necessary to succeed in their future education, training, or employment. The aim is to offer a well-rounded learning experience that equips students with the tools to take advantage of opportunities, fulfil responsibilities, and navigate the challenges they may encounter in their personal and professional lives. The curriculum is carefully crafted to ensure that even the most disadvantaged learners have access to relevant and impactful content. Decisions regarding the curriculum are based on evidence and data obtained through initial assessments, ensuring its contextual relevance and effectiveness.


The curriculum in Business, Enterprise and Economics is delivered through a range of teaching methods and strategies to actively engage students in their learning. Subject, class, lecture, and workshop levels are utilised to provide a comprehensive educational experience. The teaching staff within the Business and Economics department take into account the diverse needs of their students, including those with Special Educational Needs (SEN), English as an Additional Language (EAL), and disadvantaged backgrounds. Regular assessments are conducted to identify the necessary learning support and make reasonable adjustments to meet the individual learning objectives of these students. Educational resources are effectively employed to facilitate the inclusion and achievement of learners with special educational needs, ensuring equal opportunities for all.


The courses in Business, Enterprise, and Economics are all taught using the Edexcel exam board, meaning that there is a continued understanding of what examiners on the board are looking for and, consequently, exam/coursework skills are carried forward. This has had a significant positive impact on students who have undertaken them in the past, as well as those who will enrol in the future. Learners acquire a deep understanding of business principles, economic concepts, and the skills required to apply this knowledge effectively. They develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills that enable them to make informed decisions in real-world situations. Students also gain practical skills in areas such as financial management, marketing, and entrepreneurship, which are highly transferable to various career paths.

The impact of the curriculum can be seen through the achievements of past students who have successfully applied their learning in further education, training, or employment. Many have pursued higher education in business-related fields, secured employment in diverse industries, or successfully started their own businesses. The curriculum prepares learners to be confident, adaptable, and well-prepared for the challenges of the modern business landscape. It equips them with the knowledge and skills necessary to thrive in a rapidly evolving global economy, contributing to their personal and professional success.

Key Stage 4 Courses

Business Studies GCSE

This specification is structured into two themes, taking students from how entrepreneurs start businesses (Theme 1) through to growing and global businesses (Theme 2).

There are two equally weighted exam papers, focusing on each specification theme. Theme 1 concentrates on the key business concepts, issues and skills involved in starting and running a small business. It provides a framework for students to explore core concepts through the lens of an entrepreneur setting up a business. Theme 2 examines how a business develops beyond the start-up phase. It focuses on the key business concepts, issues and decisions used to grow a business, with an emphasis on aspects of marketing, operations, finance and human resources. It also considers the impact of the wider world on the decisions a business makes as it grows.

GCSE Business Studies Specification

BTEC Level 2 Technical Award Enterprise

The course gives learners the opportunity to develop sector-specific knowledge and skills in a practical learning environment. The main focus is on the knowledge, understanding and skills required to research, plan, pitch and review an enterprise idea that includes:

• development of key skills that prove aptitude in planning an enterprise activity, including market research, planning, carrying out financial transactions, communication and problem solving

• knowledge that underpins effective use of skills, such as the features and characteristics of enterprises and entrepreneurs, and the internal and external factors that can affect the performance of an enterprise

• attitudes and ways of working that are considered most important for enterprise, including monitoring and reflecting on performance of an enterprise idea and own use of skills.

Edexcel Level 2 Enterprise Specification

Revision and Research Resource

BBC Bitesize - GCSE Business

Key Stage 5 Courses

Southborough High School has a rich curriculum at key stage 5 comprising two qualifications and the Young Enterprise extra-curricular project.

A-Level Economics B

Exam Board: Pearson Edexcel Economics B

Economics and Business remains a popular course in the Sixth Form. It requires interest but no previous experience in the subject, and students are drawn from a wide range of academic backgrounds having studied quite different combinations of GCSE subjects. The subject is based in the real world and an interest in current affairs and a questioning mind are great assets to have when taking this subject. The main aims of Economics are to provide students with an understanding of economic techniques and concepts, and apply them to society; such as unemployment, inflation and environmental issues. It should promote economic thinking in students and develop their ability to communicate this in their writing and using diagrams.

Why choose A-Level Economics?

implications on the wider political and social environment. Develop an understanding of a range of concepts and acquire an ability to use these concepts in a variety of different contexts. Develop an independent, enquiring, critical thinker. Develop an understanding of current economic issues and the problems that affect the general public.Apply economic concepts and theories to different real life situations and understand the cost benefits of certain business decisions. Understand the role of government and how they can influence the market economy.

A-Level Economics B Specification

Business BTEC Level 3

Business BTEC Level 3 Specification

Revision and Research Resources


Tutor2U A Level Economics

Business Curriculum Maps

GCSE Business Curriculum Map

Economics Curriculum Maps

Engineering economics y12

Engineering economics y13