School Values

Grandparents Christmas Tea Party 2023

Grandparents Christmas Tea Party 2023
15th Dec 2023
Written by STA

As a community, we at Southborough understand and appreciate the crucial role that grandparents play in the lives of their grandchildren. Today’s parents more often than not balance two careers whilst running a busy home and raising their children. Any help and support they can get from their respective parents is a blessing – whether it’s providing childcare when the grandchildren are young, dropping off children to and from school to help working parents, taxiing children between clubs and after school activities and generally providing them with extra care, love, support and a welcome ear to listen to their worries and give them the encouragement and confidence to tackle life’s issues as they grow and mature into responsible young adults. In short, grandparents often are as invested in the education and wellbeing of their grandchildren as their parents are.

As a thank you to all the grandparents of our boys – and the wider community of senior citizens living in the community who were once parents, grandparents or friends who continue to support our school in one way or another – Southborough hosts a special Christmas Tea Party each year for those who are able to attend. It’s an event that Southborough staff and students love getting involved with and this year was no exception, with the party being bigger and better than ever before! And it was a delight to see so many of our boys accompany their much loved grans, grandads and great aunties to the party.

Members of Southborough staff generously donated a whole tableful of Christmas gifts – ranging from toiletries, wine, biscuits, chocolate, candles and scarves – and these served as ideal ‘prizes’ that were on display for our guests to pick and choose from throughout the course of an afternoon packed with food, drink, Southborough raffle and a Christmas quiz.

Sixth Form students helped set up the party beforehand and mingled with our guests, ensuring that they felt at home and were enjoying themselves. Head Boy Oskar and Deputy Head Girl Laura were perfect Quiz Masters and Alex and Ricardo were fabulous ‘Masters of the Christmas Cracker Joke Tellers’!

Our Year 11 Food Technology students served a delicious afternoon tea of sandwiches, sausage rolls, cheese straws, mince pies and Christmas biscuits - all made from scratch by the students! Our school choir jollied up the party by singing some popular Christmas Carols which everyone was encouraged to join in and sing along to.

Southborough High School loves hosting this special event each year and it’s wonderful to see both young and old get on so well and have fun together. One of the school’s key strengths is its sense of community – and this special tea party epitomises the spirit of this wholeheartedly.

Many thanks must go to the following for making the party go with a swing: Mrs Taylor for organising the event, Mrs Ball and the Year 11 Food Technology students for providing such delicious party food, Mrs Yendoll and the school choir for the delightful carol singing, our Sixth Form students for being the perfect hosts, Mr Morgan, Ms Geering and lower school art students for making such lovely decorations and last but not least, all those staff members who generously donated so many lovely gifts for our guests.